
Available on Google Play and AppStore

Thanks to this app we can strive for a safer environment together.

Download Call4help today. 

How to use call4help?

A simple guide on how you use the app.


Do you feel like you or someone else around you is in an unsafe situation?  Press the "alarm" button which will send a notification to people that are closest to you.


When you've pressed the button a few people will recieve the notification.

They can help you out or to take footage of the situation. 


You can take photos or videos on your phone and send them directly to the police if they request it through the app. 

You can choose to be anonymous.

Any questions?


What is call4help? 

Call4help is an app that informs people around you of a situation that might be dangerous. The people around you can choose to help you out or take footage for proof to the police.

When should I report danger?

As soon as you feel like you're in an unsafe situation you should report it. You can always call it off if you change your mind.

Can I use call4help everywhere?

Yes! There are probably more users in bigger cities though, which makes the app more useful.

Is internet required during using the app?

Yes you will need internet since the application needs GPS-signals.

How do I download call4help?

If you own an iPhone you will find it on AppStore and if you own an Android you can find it on Google Play.

Is call4help free?


Terms and conditions?

For more details about terms and conditions press the button down below.

Can everyone use call4help?

Yes! As long as you own a smartphone.