1. This page (and the pages and link addresses this refers to) sets out the terms of use (the "Terms of Use") under which you may use our "product" called Call4help. It is a mobile application that can be downloaded from Google Play and the App Store in a mobile phone and installed by a user.
Please read these terms carefully before using the product.
By registering in the product after installation, you indicate that you accept these Terms of Use and that you will comply with them.
Your use of the product indicates that you accept these Terms of Use which become effective immediately after installation.
If you do not accept the Terms of Use, you may not use our product.
2. The product Call4help is developed by Solid Beans AB, a Swedish company with organization number 556803-8789 with offices in Stockholm and Gothenburg. For more information, please read on the website www.solidbeans.com
3. We reserve the right to change these Terms of Use at any time by posting changes online on this site, without first notifying you. You are responsible for regularly checking information online to find out changes in time.
4. We cannot be held responsible for the product not being available at any time for any reason. We do not guarantee that your access to the product will be uninterrupted, on time and without error. We may need to carry out repairs and maintenance or introduce new functions that entail and then interruptions may occur.
5. We do not guarantee that the product is compatible with any hardware or software you use. We shall not be liable for damages that may occur to your mobile phone, software or other affiliation, through viruses or other code, depending on your access to or your use of the product. Nor should we be held responsible for the actions of third parties.
6. We may change or update the product without informing you.
7. Although we strive for the proper functioning of the product at all times, we make no warranty, express or implied, as to whether the information is complete, accurate, up-to-date and appropriate.
8. Protecting your privacy with information security is important to us. We protect it according to Swedish law.
9. By registering in the product, we undertake to comply with the GDPR restriction against our users. We will only use the information we collect about you in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
10. Our product does not use ads.
11. You have an option to allow us to know if you have been close to other users. We use the information to send notifications to other users who happened to be near you. No one will know who you are, but you are aware of how the information (GPS positions at different times) is used for this. We guarantee you that it does not pair these GPS positions at different times with others. All data is anonymized and encrypted.
12. All information we collect is used only to provide a service to you.
We do not store personal information about you in any way. All information about your GPS positions at different times during the last few weeks is saved on your mobile phone. You can choose to share this information with others in the service.
Alternatively, if you want to know if you have been close to other users, you can then send your information (GPS positions at different times during the last two weeks) to our service for the knowledge of others. All this is done anonymously.
Note that:
- We do not sell, share or otherwise disclose your information to anyone;
- We do not use your data to target ads.
- We do not get access to your location data without your permission
- We save your location data on your mobile phone and you can choose to share it with you if necessary and send it to our service for analysis if you have been in the vicinity of other users.
- Your data is not shared with any other database.
- We do not save your social security number, mobile phone number, name, e-mail or home address.
13. We will never use such information used in the service for purposes other than the main purpose of the product. For example, we will not use the Service to further market our own or third party products, or to disclose your personal information to a third party for commercial gain.
14. If you are concerned that your personal information is being misused, or if you want more information about our privacy policy and what it means, please send us an e-mail to contact@call4help.se, we will try to give clear answers to your questions in time.
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